Exponent, Root and Fractional Exponent Calculator



Square Root


Nth Root


Fractional Exponentiation


Below, we will explain the functions of the Exponentiation, Square Root, and Fractional Exponentiation Calculator, where you can easily perform exponentiation, root, and fractional exponentiation calculations, providing step-by-step explanations and examples on how to use it.


Exponentiation is the process of raising a number to another number as many times as specified. The calculator assists in quickly performing this operation. Here’s an example:

Example: What is 2 to the power of 5?

Base (2): 2 Exponent (5): 5 Result: 2^5 = 32

The calculator will easily compute this example.

Square Root

Square root calculation involves finding the positive square root of a number. Here’s an example:

Example: What is the square root of 64?

Number (64): 64 Result: √64 = 8

To perform this operation, you only need to enter the number.

Nth Root

The Nth root calculation is used to find a specific root of a number. Here’s an example:

Example: What is the 3rd root of 27?

Number (27): 27 Root Degree (3): 3 Result: 27^(1/3) ≈ 3

The calculator will easily solve this complex operation.

Fractional Exponentiation

Fractional exponentiation allows you to calculate the fractional exponent of a number. Here’s an example:

Example: What is the 1/2 exponent (square root) of 81?

Base (81): 81 Numerator (1): 1 Denominator (2): 2 Result: 81^(1/2) = 9

To perform this operation, you need to enter the base, numerator, and denominator.

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