Scientific calculator is an electronic and mechanical tool that performs all kinds of numerical operations. On the other hand, is an online tool where you can do your digital transactions without using any tools.

Scientific calculator

  • CE Key; It allows you to delete the digits you typed one by one.
  • AC Key; It allows you to delete the entire transaction you wrote in one go.
  • X! key; It allows you to get the factorial of the digit or number you have written.
  • Sin Key; Allows you to perform sine operations.
  • π Key; It represents the number pi. (pi = 3.141592653589793)
  • cos Key; Allows you to do the cosine operation.
  • log Key; Allows you to perform logarithms.
  • tan Key; Allows you to perform the tangent operation.
  • √ Key; Lets you find the square root of a number or digit.
  • e Key; Represents the Euler Number. (2.718281828459045)
  • x2 Key; It allows you to find the square of a number or digit.

How to Use Scientific Calculator?

Operations you can do with the Calculator;

How is collection done?

Addition is the operation to combine two or more numbers or digits. You can add the “+” sign between each number or digit and press the “=” button at the end.

How is extraction done?

Subtraction is the operation to subtract two or more numbers or digits from each other. You can do the subtraction by putting the “-” sign between each number or digit and pressing the “=” key at the end.

How is multiplication done?

In order to perform multiplication, you can perform multiplication by putting the “*” sign between each number or digits you are going to process and pressing the “=” key at the end.

How is division done?

In order to perform division, you can perform division by putting the “/” sign between each number or digit you are going to operate, and pressing the “=” key at the end.

How are transactions with parentheses done?

To perform the parenthesis operation, you can perform the parenthesis operation by placing each number or digit you want to give priority between the “()” signs and pressing the “=” button at the end. so that the transactions you are looking for will be given priority between the parenthesis.

How are percentages done?

You can use the “%” symbol to perform percentage operations.

How is squaring done?

Select the number or digit you want to square, and then click the “x2” symbol.

How is the square root operation done?

Add the symbol “√” in front of the number or digit you want to take the square root of.